The book “The Seat of The Soul” written by Gary Zukav is a spiritual book highlighted by many thought leaders like Oprah Winfrey as one of the best guides on finding purpose and building a life that is fulfilled by courage.
Zukav introduces certain principles as guidelines for people who would like to open up their lives and change. He believes that the life journey our souls navigate is marked by several distinct values, the knowledge of which can help build a more purposeful life.
Multisensory Human
The book describes human as a multisensory being beyond the understanding of the five-sensory psychology. In the book, Zukav explains that dysfunctions of the human personality cannot be understood without an understanding of the soul and multisensory personality.
In order to become whole, the soul must balance its energy and experience the effects it has caused. Zukav describes karma as a personalized statement: “You receive from the world what you give to the world.” The life, experiences and struggles all serve the evolution of the soul. However, it is important to feel non-judgmental compassion towards these events and experiences so that we do not engage in negative karma or negative emotions. The book highlights this non-judgmental compassion as “Non-Judgmental Justice”.
Reverence is not respect, as respect is a judgment. Rather, it is a perception. Reverence allows us to see the significance of each living creature and its experience. Reverence helps develop a capacity to think more deeply about the value of “Life” and not victimizing it. As we mature through the journey of authentic empowerment, reverence protects us against the experience of being unempowered, that is feeling frightened and taking action to harm others.
Intuition is perception beyond and without data from our five physical senses. It serves inspiration, a sudden answer to a question. Intuition resembles a walkie-talkie for communication between the personality and the soul. This dialogue produces a level of truth that is true for you and anyone who comes into contact with it. This type of truth does not contaminate you. Rather, it enlightens and empowers you.
The chapter on intention might have the most transformational impact on life. Zukav explains that every experience, and every change in your experience reflects an intention. However, it is important to be mindful of conflicting intentions in life. Your intentions create the reality that you experience. Being aware of your intentions is the first step towards authentic power. If you are not aware of all your intentions, the strongest one will win. An example illustrated in the book is a situation where you may seek companionship and warmth, but if your unconscious intention is to keep people at a distance, the experiences of separation will surface again and again. The reality of each individual is created by his or her intentions and the intentions of others. How you will change this reality and shape your life depends on the intention that you set.
Conscious evolution through responsible choice is the accelerated way of the five-sensory personality evolution towards becoming multisensory. A responsible choice is a choice that takes into account the consequences of each of your choices. “What will this produce? Do I really want to create that? Am I ready to accept the consequences of this choice?” To empower yourself, your choices must be aligned with the energy of your soul. This is an effort to earn your authentic power and is rewarded many times. The best choice is always to follow the voice of your highest self, your soul.
Spiritual partnership, i.e. partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth, is different from the archetype of marriage. This requires you to approach your needs with courage instead of fear so that you ignite a sense of trust. And every soul that consciously brings a level of love and compassion to human interactions, challenges the patterns of fear. Your evolution towards authentic power affects not only you, but it also touches more and more around you.
There is no inner security and power in exerting your will upon another person. Power is the energy that is formed by the intentions of the soul. When you live in fear of losing your job or a relationship, power flows from you, leaving you with an unempowered personality. You lose power whenever you fear. An authentically empowered person is humble and harmless. A humble spirit does not ask for more than it needs. A humble spirit is free to love and be who they are. Humbleness, forgiveness, clarity and love are the foundations of authentic power.
Trust requires you to challenge your fears. Fear of growing and transformation of self is what causes you to disengage from the present situation and reach for another, past or future. Trust allows you to give and to laugh. As you give so it shall be given to you. When you trust that the Universe in each moment is providing for the needs of your soul, you are free to enjoy your interactions with others and leave aside the heavier frequencies of protectiveness and manipulation.
What distinguishes the “The Seat of The Soul” is its ability to touch on all different needs of human soul. Zukav’s engaging narrative style and thought-provoking analysis invites readers to look deep into their lives and discover areas where transformation is needed. Whether you’re fascinated by spirituality or learning more about the power of human existence beyond the realm of physical existence, “The Seat of The Soul” offers a compelling exploration of the forces that shape human personality. The book prompts you to reevaluate your understanding of human spiritual needs and invites you on a soul healing journey: One that is impossible not to complete, as every situation that you create or experience serves this purpose.
The book comes with a study guide that includes questions and exercises to make the read a more impactful experience.